Rule G-01: Conduct and Behavior
G-01.01 Inappropriate Names and Skins
Players must avoid using usernames or skins that contain offensive, racist, or sexually explicit content.
G-01.02 Exploiting Bugs and Glitches
Abusing in-game glitches for personal advantage is strictly forbidden. Report any bugs via our support webpage, and rewards will be given based on verification.
Support Webpage
G-01.03 Suggestions and Complaints
All feedback should be submitted through our official support channels. Use this link for assistance:
Support Server
G-01.04 Respectful Communication
Offensive language or swearing in support tickets will result in disciplinary action or ticket closure.
G-01.05 Staff Interaction
Once a staff member has addressed your issue, do not contact other staff members about the same matter.
G-01.06 Youtuber/Twitch Rank Conduct
Having a Youtuber/Twitch rank does not exempt players from following the rules. Violations will be met with appropriate consequences, including possible rank revocation.
G-01.07 Moderators Complaints
If you have a complaint about a moderator, please direct it to one of our Senior Moderators listed here:
Senior Moderators
G-01.08 Appeals
When submitting an appeal, provide a detailed explanation of why you believe the ban or mute should be lifted
G-01.09 Account Security
We are not responsible for any issues arising from players sharing their account information or trusting others with their accounts.
G-01.10 Refund Requests
Requests for refunds will result in a permanent ban from the server.
G-01.11 Perks Loss
We are not liable for any loss of perks or items after premium ranks expire.
G-01.12 Use of Bots
The use of bots or compromised accounts is prohibited.
Rule C-01: Communication Etiquette
C-01.01 Language and Respect
Offensive language or swearing in any language is prohibited. Violations will result in a mute for chat or a ban for voice chat.
C-01.02 Disrespect and Controversy
Disrespect towards others or engaging in political, religious, or controversial discussions is not allowed. Violations will lead to a mute or ban depending on the medium.
C-01.03 Advertising and Spam
Advertising external links, IPs, or server names is not permitted. Social media accounts can be mentioned without linking, and email addresses should not be shared in chat.
C-01.04 Message Repetition
Repeated messages or countdowns within a short time frame will result in a mute. Warnings will be issued before any action is taken.
C-01.05 Voice Chat Noise
Excessive noise in voice chat, including loud music or yelling, will result in a ban.
C-01.06 Mocking and Harassment
Making fun of or implying harm towards other punished players is not allowed.
Rule G-02: Gameplay Standards
G-02.01 Hacks and Mods
Using hacks or mods that give an unfair advantage is prohibited. Performance or aesthetic mods are allowed as long as they don’t provide a competitive edge.
G-02.02 Trading and Purchases
All item transactions must be made through the official store. Trading items outside the store is not allowed.
G-02.03 Cheating and Boosting
Any form of cheating or boosting, including “free kills,” is not permitted. Violations will result in a ban and reset of game points.
G-02.04 Teaming with Cheaters
Teaming with cheaters will result in a ban for all team members, including the cheater. Report rule breakers using the command